Sunday, July 10, 2016

Building Code Violated

This blog will be able to help expand the readers' knowledge and their understanding of the importance of the Building Code to Interior Design. Through the photos, this will help illustrate certain situations where the Building Codes are violated. This post aims to increase our awareness of the fines and penalties if such rules are not strictly followed.

Chapter 2
Administration and Enforcement

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In Chapter II Sec. 212 in National Building Code of the Philippines, it is stated that if the rules are violated the secretary is hereby empowered to impose fines. But in the Philippines, There are a lot of business man or contractors wherein they use money to bribe the officials for them to continue their wrong doings.

Under Section 206. Qualifications of building official. No person shall be appointed as a building official unless he/she is not a Filipino Citizen, but in the picture, the acting building official is a foreigner which voids her qualification of being an official.

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In Section 213. It stated that All who will violate these rules will be punish and could lead them to conviction.

Chapter 3
Permits and Inspection

Section 301. Building Permits. No person, firm or corporation, including any agency or instrumentality of the government shall erect, construct, alter, repair, move, convert or demolish any building or structure or cause the same to be done without first obtaining a building permit.

The photo above shows an ongoing construction for a house extension. The place showed no authorized documents to be permitted for an interior construction. Plumbing and electrical installation needs to be inspected and approved by a Building Official and needs to have a Building Permit. Some house owners skip such authorization process because it may cost a lot of money and causes delay in their project. Most  of the time, they rely on the capabilities of the workers for their project, which is not a good safety assurance for a house.

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In Chapter 3 sec. 302. An application therefore will be sent to the OBO the examine if the building, the design passed the said safe test but Other contractors apply for a building permit but if their plans will not be approved, they tend to make the building in a hidden ways. They construct without permit or they just copy their old project's permit. If the secretary would know these unlawful doings, the project of the said contractor may be cancelled.

Chapter 4
Types of Construction
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Section 403 – (Stairs) Walking down a set of stairs entered by having to open a door that swings out over the steps is likely to result in a fall. In this situation, the Stairs does not conform to the building code as it shall have landings of not less than 30 inches (76 cm) in the direction of travel and extend at least 22 inches (56 cm) in width at every 12 feet (3.7 m) or less of vertical rise. It also violates the section provided that all stairways should be equipped with permanent and substantial handrails for the safety of the stairwell.
In section 304 (Exit) The picture violates the law of the building code "Exit ways and doors shall not be visually or physically obstructed.” This justifies by showing a picture where deliveries are left unattended in passageways that provide a means of exit in the event of a fire.

In conclusion, we should be able to educate not only with ourselves, the students, but also including the homeowners or clients and particularly to people concerning and working in this type of career. This will be beneficial for everyone and importantly, to protect the safety of the any occupants and build a better quality home and community.


  1. I agree with what are written in this blog. I think the very common violation is the bribery of money because some officials intentionally delays the approval of permits in order to acquire money from the applicants.

  2. It is sad to know that the common issues mentioned in the blog are seen on an ample number of buildings in the Philippines. And knowing the punishments on every restriction of the law, it is not well implemented by the government. Great job on opening up these issues for the awareness of the people.

    -GROUP 5

  3. Section 301. Building Permits. The example stated in this section is really existing even up to now. Some home owners do not undergo processing of permits for additional interior construction works or even in renovation. They just proceed without approved permits to avoid additional charges.
